

来源:继续教育 2024-03-07 00:30:27 点击数:


1、『英语翻译』(部分)国际商务英语论文 [用翻译工具不给分]

MNC decentralization has been studied extensively in the 1980s and early 1990s (Bartlett & Ghoshal, 1989; Gates &

Egelhoff, 1986; Nohria & Ghoshal, 1994). Since that time, however, new challenges and opportunities in the global business

environment have emerged. In many countries the entrepreneurial economy has replaced the managed economy, and new

locations have emerged from which MNCs may source knowledge-based factors of production (Audretsch & Thurik, 2001).

MNCs may now take advantage of global sourcing for innovation as well as cost-savings, developing and exploiting knowledge in countries such as India and China (Farrell, 2005; Levy, 2005). Changes in political regimes, regional integration,

the forces of globalization and powerful developments in information and communication technologies (Archibugi &

Iammarino, 2002) have also contributed to a need to reassess how MNCs organize and control themselves. Recent scholars

have therefore, quite rightly, brought attention to decentralization and autonomy within MNCs as an important avenue of

ongoing academic research (Paterson & Brock, 2002; Young & Tavares, 2004).

We propose and test a new model of MNC decentralization, one based on management control theory applied in an

international context. We focus specifically on decentralization as a dependent variable, and argue that aspects of the

internal corporate culture and the external national culture must both be taken into consideration when analyzing MNC

decentralization. Corporate culture matters to organization decision making because it represents the system of ideals and

beliefs in the organization; it is the ‘‘normative glue’’ that holds the organization together (Smircich, 1983, p. 344). National

culture is also extremely relevant as managers’ interpretation and responses to strategic issues differ according to their

cultural characteristics (Schneider & de Meyer, 1991). There is little prior research that takes corporate and national culture

into joint consideration when analyzing determinants of MNC decentralization (Young & Tavares, 2004).

We address this gap by focusing specifically on corporate innovativeness and shared values as indicators of corporate

culture. In terms of national culture, we consider Hofstede’s (1980, 1997) dimensions of national culture from both home and

host country perspectives, as well as the overall cultural distance between home and host country (Kogut & Singh, 1988).

Importantly, we use a research design where there is variation in both home and host country. This is a new approach that

contributes to the MNC decentralization literature by testing the importance of both internal and external factors in the

allocation of decision rights within modern day MNCs.


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